Reflexzonen - Landkarten der Gesundheit


EdelsteingriffelReflexology, Crystal Wands and "let your body speak"Crystal Wands Ewald Kliegel for healing, massage and reflexology


please notice also my books

Crystal Wands - for Massage Therapy, Reflexology, and Energy Medicine - explores the healing properties and indications for more than 70 crystal wands (ISBN 9781620556481) - Ewald Kliegel - INNER TRADITIONS
Crystal Wands - for Massage Therapy, Reflexology, and Energy Medicine - explores the healing properties and indications for more than 70 crystal wands (ISBN 9781620556481) - Ewald Kliegel - INNER TRADITIONS

Let Your Body Speak - The Essential Nature of Our Organs (ISBN 9781844096268) - Ewald Kliegel (text) - Anne Heng (illustrations) - Findhorn Press at INNER TRADITIONS
Let Your Body Speak - The Essential Nature of Our Organs (ISBN 9781844096268) - Ewald Kliegel (text) - Anne Heng (illustrations) - Findhorn Press at INNER TRADITIONS

coming soon
Body Healing Cards – a card deck with 56 full-color cards and a 128-page booklet (ISBN 9781644112557) - Ewald Kliegel (text) - Anne Heng (illustrations) - Findhorn Press at INNER TRADITIONS

Body Healing Cards – a card deck with 56 full-color cards and a 128-page booklet (ISBN 9781644112557) - Ewald Kliegel (text) - Anne Heng (illustrations) - Findhorn Press at INNER TRADITIONS
Holistic Reflexology - a guide to integrating reflexology treatments with complementary therapies to restore energetic balance, relieve pain, and maximize healing - with more than 30 full-color maps of reflex zones systems from head to toe, including the ears, mouth, tongue, fingernails, and torso - (ISBN 9781620557532) - Ewald Kliegel - INNER TRADITIONS
Holistic Reflexology - a guide to integrating reflexology treatments with complementary therapies to restore energetic balance, relieve pain, and maximize healing - with more than 30 full-color maps of reflex zones systems from head to toe, including the ears, mouth, tongue, fingernails, and torso - (ISBN 9781620557532) - Ewald Kliegel - INNER TRADITIONS

©Ewald Kliegel
All content is protected by copyright laws

important ! * * all applications are carefully researched and tested * * but they do not replace medical or natural healing evaluations and treatments * * all texts and illustrations in this website are protected by copyright
Edelsteingriffel Reflexzonen-Massagen


Therefore we get those wonderful results with the crsytal wands in our reflexology treatments. Accordingly, it is basically here also essential to look after the energy state nd to work for a harmonization that body and soul can find a sound balance.

Beyond of the directing of the energies with crystal wands in terms of adding or diverting we always can use the crystal wands in a thematic way. To find out which special one crystal we need for a organic theme we may use one of the testing modes.
Reflexology is just fascinating and my other web shows them in detail. Therefore, I may as well refer to these pages.

In relation to the crystal wands one should be a matter of discussion: The meridians of traditional Chinese medicine are energetic phenomena, so are the chakras of Indian Ayurvedic medicine and the reflexology charts - our  "maps of health" - are the Western energetic equivalent..